Divisia Aggregates rates-of-change clearly underweight velocity - just as they did in 1981.

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The fall in money demand also corroborates Dr. Philip George's theory in "The Riddle of Money Finally Solved" ( the ratio of M1 to the sum of 12 months savings ).

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People don't understand money and central banking. Banks create deposits when they lend/invest. So, all bank-held savings originate within the system. A decrease in time deposits, dis-saving increases demand deposits dollar for dollar. Demand deposits turn over at a much higher rate than time deposits.

The spike in inflation is textbook. See: “Quantity leads and velocity follows” Cit. Dying of Money -By Jens O. Parson

The FED should discontinue publishing income velocity. Vi can move in the opposite direction as Vt, the transactions' velocity of money (Irving Fisher's truistic metric, not Friedman's).

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

re: "Those moves are consistent with a positive supply shock."

I'd say it's also consistent with a fall in money demand, gated deposits falling relative to transaction's deposits by 18%.



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